MOTI携手Art of Dance强势回归!PYRO音乐与你共同关注!
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

MOTI携手Art of Dance强势回归!PYRO音乐与你共同关注!

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还记得4月2日的中国首个Mirage硬派电音节吗?现实和幻想的旅行,穿越时空的灯光秀…2016年9月15月圆之日,MOTIDance强势回归!携手荷兰电音王国最大Hardstyle主办方之一Art of Dance为你带来迄今为止,最硬中秋节Dynasty硬派电音节,为中国的电音粉丝带来最原汁原味的Hard Dance体验。今年,让我们丢掉软软的月饼,到Dynasty好好硬一把!

This Autumn, witness as MOTI Dance and Art of Dance join forces to bring you the hardest lunar festival of all time. Start your adventure, as the bright moon casts its shadow on the dancefloor, conjuring mystical dragons in the night. Enter the empire of Hard Dance and experience the unique force unleashed by the finest sounds of our time. Gather your friends and follow the path deeper into the heart of darkness, to discover ancient emperors of legendary power. And when the dark moon rises, we stand together fighting in the shade.

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MOTI携手Art of Dance强势回归!PYRO音乐与你共同关注!-PYRO音乐

Line Up


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Hard Dance硬派电音领域最成功的音乐人之一,DJ Mag TOP100排行最高88位。同时,由他与著名硬派电音制作人Adaro组成的组合Gunz for Hire世界排名最高62位。至今为止,他已经在全球范围内为超过一亿观众带来卓越的表演,除了欧洲境内的各大音乐节以外,也包括了EDC拉斯维加斯,澳大利亚Defqon.1,智利的Mystryland等。

One of the most successfule Hard Dance artist, regularly ranked amongst the DJMAG Top 100 Djs, one half of the legendary duo Gunz For Hire.


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他是Hardstyle硬派电音的创始人之一,其音乐资历非当今大部分音乐人所能企及。上个世纪90年代出道以来,他制作的音乐,参与过的音乐活动数不胜数。2003年,被荷兰DanceMusic Award评选为当年世界DJ排名第2,仅次于著名音乐人Tiesto。同时,也曾在DJ Mag top100排行榜中最高名列第64位。由他创立的音乐厂牌:Minus Is More更是成为了荷兰最大的音乐厂牌之一。旗下艺人Radical Redemption世界排名第63位。

Founding father of the Hard Dance movement, Label owner of Minus is More, being awarded with two personal events in his honor and Top 100 nominations are just two outstanding achivements throughout his unique career.


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Hardstyle新生代音乐人杰出代表。2014年,Warface以三首最硬电音单曲FTP,Schizophrencis,Catalyst打榜,随后的首张个人专辑更是在两个月之内全部售罄。自从Warface以独特的作曲风格,最强硬的鼓点在世界各大硬派电音节作为无可缺席的DJ表演,包括Supremacy,Master ofHardcore,Defqon.1,Decibel等。

One of the fastest rising stars in the Hard Dance scene. His debut album Art of War sold out in only 2 months.


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国内硬派音乐代表人物之一,2011年制作Hardstyle至今。个人音乐风格多元化,在网易云音乐及微博音乐等众多平台发布了许多原创的Hardstyle作品。代表作品<Harder than Ever>,2015年作为唯一一位Hardstyle硬派电音音乐人登上了迷笛电子音乐节舞台。2016年4月,登上MOTI DANCE首届硬派电音节Mirage舞台,并制作主题曲。

One of the icons in China's hard dance scene, performed at MIDI festival as the sole hardstyle artist.


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加拿大华裔Hardstyle DJ, 参与过当地一些著名音乐节如:Paradise, Bassarea等。他除了对于主流电子音乐有着深刻的理解以外,也对一些新兴音乐有着无比的热爱,其中,Hardstyle就是他一直以来最无法割舍的音乐类型。他有一个梦想,就是能够有一天改变中国对于电子音乐的文化,而这次,他将加入我们,为大家奉献上一场不一样的Hardstyle音乐之旅。

Chinese Canadian DJ Ferrum focuses on creative DJing, expect the unexpected during his set.

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In this crazy hardstyle music festival, also can appear PYRO form, we will have to interact with you on the spot, concern we will have the opportunity to get rich gifts.Another mysterious DJ will accept our PYRO music video artist interviews, please continue to focus on our PYRO of WeChat and weibo.

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MOTI携手Art of Dance强势回归!PYRO音乐与你共同关注!-PYRO音乐

地址 Address

Reel to Reel 上海市马当路388号SOHO复兴广场地下1层01室

Address:B1-01,388 Madang Lu

时间 Date

2016年9月9日 10 p.m-4 a.m

Date:September 9, 2016

门票 Ticket

12点前入场 50元/Before 12:00 50 RMB 12点后入场 80元/After 12:00 80 RMB




MOTI携手Art of Dance强势回归!PYRO音乐与你共同关注!-PYRO音乐


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