PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ

PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐
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PYRO music has always had a clear goal, which is to help Chinese and foreign DJs across the country gathered in our platform make domestic professional dance music. We also know that that goal may not be small, but it is indeed our desire to help with the first step. Many people and many DJs know PYRO Music, but may not understand us well. We elaborate here with the PYRO official video which is out today which may give you a deeper understanding.


Watch the above video, and we think you will have an intuitive understanding of what we would like to share. Our professional electronic music platform is for the benefit of DJs and producers.PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐


These creative users, in addition to the clubs themselves, use professional dance music platforms to upload their own work. PYRO can help you bring more attention to your work, let more labels and music festival organizers and insiders pay attention to you. A lot of professionals in the industry are looking for fresh blood and good work on the platform; PYRO music has the attention of the inner circle.PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐

哪怕不是制作人只是DJ,没办法制作原创音乐也没有关系。你可以选择上传你的remix、mash up等作品,还有mixtape也是十分重要的,这可以让更多的人去了解到你的风格。

Even if you are not a producer, you can choose to upload your remix or mashup, and through your mixtapes, more people can come to know your style.

PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐

上传的数量越多,效果也就越好。当你的上传量积累到一定程度,优秀作品越来越多,那样就会有许多机会关注到你。就比如我们PYRO音乐就会首先找到你,你可能会有机会成为PYRO Radio的嘉宾;有机会来到PYRO的Office 参与DJ Set Live Show;也会有PYRO 视频采访和首页推荐;更可能与我们一起和音乐节合作,站上万人观众的舞台上。

The more songs you upload, the bigger your influence will be. When your uploads accumulate to a certain extent, more and more outstanding works, there will be many opportunities to focus on to you. Just like our PYRO music will first find you, you may have the opportunity to become a PYRO Radio guests. You can also have the opportunity to come to the office of PYRO in DJ Set Live Show. Also there will be a PYRO video interview and recommend home page. You are more likely to join us in cooperation and music festival, on ten thousand audience on the stage.PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐


So choose a good professional dance music platform, and DJ professionals will be a very big help to you. PYRO Music will become your professional partner, your talent, we will focus on you; your future is our expectations, your dream is our goal.PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐


Finally, our PYRO music web site and the app will begin from the end of September comprehensive upgrade, convenience of the user experience will be provided to the user and DJ. More content will be announced in the near future, remember to follow PYRO Music!PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐


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PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐



PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐



PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐

地址 Address

Reel to Reel 上海市马当路388号SOHO复兴广场地下1层01室

Address:B1-01,388 Madang Lu

时间 Date

2016年9月9日 10 p.m-4 a.m

Date:September 9, 2016

门票 Ticket

12点前入场 50元/Before 12:00 50 RMB 12点后入场 80元/After 12:00 80 RMB




PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐

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PYRO先定一个能达到的小目标 比如先聚集全国的DJ-PYRO音乐


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