先锋杯DJ大赛全国总决赛来袭 PYRO音乐全程合作
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

先锋杯DJ大赛全国总决赛来袭 PYRO音乐全程合作

先锋杯DJ大赛全国总决赛来袭 PYRO音乐全程合作-PYRO音乐

一年一度的先锋杯DJ大赛全国总决赛将在国庆假期后展开激烈角逐了,在这7天小长假中,各位电音粉也是穿梭在各大音乐节和 After Party 中与你们的 Top100 DJ 面对面零距离的互动,而DJ大赛总决赛也会在十月这个音乐季拉开帷幕!

With the Storm Festival and all the after parties, ravers in town got a good chance to meet TOP100DJ from all the different events. However, after the holiday, another big affair in the industry is coming, Pioneer DJ will host its annul final DJ competition!

先锋杯DJ大赛全国总决赛来袭 PYRO音乐全程合作-PYRO音乐

为了让更多的中国本土DJ拥有表现的舞台,先锋 Pioneer DJ始终在全球范围内一直致力于推广DJ电音文化,坚持秉承公平,公开,公正的信念,同时也为了更好地发展中国的DJ文化,致力于年轻DJ的发掘和培养。

Pioneer DJ has been promote the DJ and electronic music culture worldwide. They helped to develop the culture in China for a long time, and offer a perfect stage for all the Chinese local talents to show and improve themselves. 


Pioneer DJ competition is the perfessional competition with longest history and most authoritative. It has been a stage for the young talents to achieve their dreams. This time, they have invited top Chinese and international DJ to review and judging for the competition. It gonna be a big affair for the industry.

今年的先锋DJ大赛总决赛将在上海举行 ,在历时3个月,经过4赛区的报名海选和复赛中,共有24名选手争夺最后的全国总决赛混音组和磨盘组的冠亚季军,并且2位冠军将在比赛举办场馆 Linx Club 晚上的After Party中进行表演,大家是不是很期待呢,那我们就赛场见咯!

This year, the final competition will be host in Shanghai. After the 3 month selection from 4 regions, there are 24 finalists will comptete for the winner prize from Mixing Group and Scratch Group. 2 winners will perform at LINX after party! 

先锋杯DJ大赛全国总决赛来袭 PYRO音乐全程合作-PYRO音乐
比赛时间:10月15日 13:30PM--17:30PM
比赛地点:Club Linx 


Time: 13:30 PM—17:30PM, 15th Otc

Venue: Club LINX

Address: 1-3 Floor, JingZhong Plaza, No.98 Huaihai Rd., Huangpu, Shanghai

本次赛事,PYRO音乐也积极参与合作,和先锋DJ大赛一起为所有的参赛选手营造出一个平台,为了能够为更多年轻有才的DJ们更多的展现机会。PYRO音乐将会记录下参赛选手们的精彩时刻,并且优秀选手们的Mixtape都会收录在PRYO Radio;还有最近PYRO音乐火热的Live Stream,也可以让全国各地的朋友们看到中国年轻优秀DJ们的现场表演。除此之外我们还有更多的后续合作,我们也会来到先锋DJ大赛总决赛现场。关注PYRO音乐,打开中国电子舞曲新篇章。

As the partner of this competition, PYRO has work with Pioneer DJ to create a better environment for all the contestants, and offer better opportunities to the young talents. PYRO will recording all the sets from the contestant. The good ones will be picked up and add into PYRO Radio special session. We will invite top contestant to join our Live steaming, and work with them on different opportunities. PYRO staff will be there during the competition as well. Follow us, open a new world of electronic music.



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