PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20



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昨天晚上Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 终于公布了其阵容名单,顿时网上引来热议。有很多人认为这份名单缺乏诚意,阵容不够豪华,百大的份量不足。某些人认为阵容还算不错,摒弃了传统流行的big room风格,比较新鲜。


PYRO音乐了解到这次的Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 更多的将会带来现场音乐节的体验,尝试着让国人更能够享受音乐节带来的快乐,不过就阵容而言,今年的这场并没有那么得让人不堪,很多人可能对这套阵容并不了解,或者艺人并不熟悉,就让PYRO音乐来让你们详细了解下各位艺人的情况,并且帮你们罗列出他们的歌曲,各位可以到PYRO音乐上来收听!

Dada Life

Dada Life是一个瑞典DJ组合,有两名成员OlleCorneer and Stefan Engblom成立于2006年。在2010年,Dada life在DJ杂志的年刊上被列为最受欢迎的top100的DJ的第89位。在2011年晋升到38位,到2012年晋升到24位。Dada Life 时常出现在北美最受欢迎的两大电音盛宴上,分别是 Electric DaisyCarnival 和 Ultra Music Festival。在2013年的10月26,Dada Life以举办了足有3813名参与者的枕头大战活动,打破了这个项目的世界吉尼斯纪录。在2015年7月19日,以有629名打扮成水果样子的群体一起去航海再次打破了世界吉尼斯纪录。所以Dada Life绝对是一个能给你惊喜现场的DJ组合。


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Sander Van Doorn

 Sander van Doorn ,1979年2月28日出生于荷兰北布拉邦埃因霍温的Sander Ketelaars镇上。他是Techno和Trance派的知名DJ及音乐人。在世界闻名的DJMag排行榜中,他属于领军人物之一。2006第一次登榜便排在第32位,2008年一跃至第13名,2009年升至第10名,现在排名下降,名列在90名。老牌DJ的辉煌不计其数,近年在2014年他和Oliver Helens 发表了最新的Tech House作品 “This” ,而2015年更是发表了诸多新歌,今年的 “The Snake 2016” 也取得了相当不错的成绩。

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又是一位年少出名的制作人,17 岁就和 Stooki Sound 联手制作了英国 Trap 经典之作“Ball So Hard”,这位年轻天才制作人自2013年发布其首张EP Novocane,便迅速蹿红,获得像Flosstradamus 和 Mad Decent等大牌制作人青睐,2014年的夏天,“HITTA”单曲在Youtube上。他凭借此至单曲席卷了全球无数粉丝,奠定了他在今年将创造更大的辉煌。HUCCI的“HITTA”单曲是他的代表之作。HUCCI的重量级制作获得了百万次点击.HUCCI的2015年在美国和澳大利亚巡演都是无比火爆。以至于他的狂热粉丝在现场因为过度激动,直接冲上台。他的UK Trap在Youtube上有超过2万强大的粉丝支持。

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喜欢玩游戏的Ravers都应该清楚LOL的一张电音专辑《Warsongs》,这张专辑收录了来自世界各地知名DJ单曲,其中知名度最高的是Vicetone。但是在Youtube上播放量最高的单曲则是由美国双人组的DJ Mako完成,一直活跃在美国现场的他们也是第一次来到国内,让我们拭目以待。


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大家先不要误会,这个OSHI并不是之前一直活跃在国内的法国DJ OSHI,他是来自于英国的17岁天才少年, Boiler Room 史上最年轻的演出嘉宾,被誉为“Beat神童”的英国新生代。他的Soundcloud的粉丝数已经超过14万人,音乐风格多样化,基本以Bass系为主,trap也是非常拿手,今年的演出行程也几乎排满,这也是他第一次来到中国。

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说到Electric Zoo,那就不得不提到Codeko了,他可是2016年Electric Zoo 主题曲制作人。几乎走遍了所有的Electric Zoo 音乐节,曾经推出的“Crusader” 也受到了Armin Van Buuren、Ferry Corsten、Hardwell、W&W 等大牌的推崇。

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关于Cavia,很多人相信都比较熟悉了,曝光率不低的中国新生代DJ。在20岁看到 DJ Shadow 的现场 DVD 后, 他退学并开始练习scratch, 并在短短两年内拿到 世界 DMC 大赛的中国国冠军, 代表中国去伦敦参加 DMC 大赛决赛. 至今他仍然是中国 DMC 比赛唯一的黑马和最年轻的冠军。从英国回来后 Cavia 退出比赛圈并且专注于创作, 大型演出, 以及多个音乐项目的合作。



作为音乐与创意组织Yeti in the basement的一员,Fader One参与了许 多国际风向人物的活动推广,并和他们同台演出,其中包括French Kiwi Juice, Keith Ape, Slow magic, DJ Krush, Lex Luger, DJ Sliink, Kidfresh, Grandtheft, Two Fresh,和新生代艺人包括Ryan Hemsworth, Jarreau Vandal, Troyboi, Kingmck, Venus-X等等。


好了关于艺人们的介绍就是这么多,虽然这次没有其他音乐节那种强大阵容,但是每个艺人的特色明显,都是非常不错的Live DJ,如果你是能够享受音乐的Raver,相信一定能够玩得尽兴!再加上 Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 今年的舞台和现场许多娱乐性的活动都可以期待一下,更多的信息PYRO音乐会随时与大家分享,敬请期待!


 活动: 电子动物园·开园派对
时间: 11 月 12 日 
 地点: 世博公园 
票价:  预售 399  
动物票 499

点击 “阅读原文” 进入购票页面

Last night, Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai finally unveiled its line-up, generating some immediate buzz online. There are a lot of people think that this list lacks a bit of sincerity, and is missing some top names. Some people think that the list is not bad, and leaves behind the traditional popular big room style, keeping it more fresh.


We know the Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai will lead more to enjoy the live music festival experience, and try to make Chinese people enjoy the festival more. But in terms of line-up, this year, a lot of people may not be familiar with the artists, so let PYRO Music teach you more about each artist, and help you list their songs. You can go to PYRO Music to listen to them all!

Dada Life

Dada Life is a Swedish DJ duo from Stockholm.The duo of OlleCorneer and Stefan Engblom was formed in 2006. On October 26, 2013, Dada Life broke the Guinness World Record for theworld's largest pillow fight at a Dada Land Compound event at the AragonBallroom in Chicago and had 3,813 participants. On July 19, 2015, Dada Life broke the Guinness World Record for theworld's largest gathering of people dressed as fruit at Dada Land: The Voyage.The event was at San Manuel Ampitheater in Southern California and had 629participants.

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Sander Van Doorn

Sander van Doorn (born Sander Ketelaars on 28 February 1979 in Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands) is a Dutch techno/trance music DJ and producer. He is listed at DJMag's top 100 djs list, debuting at #32 in 2006, then moving up to #13 in 2008, being #10 in 2009 and currently listed at #90 in the world. 

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UK Trap prodigy HUCCI has been generating serious heat since his 2013 debut Novocane EP, garnering support from trap demigods like Flosstradamus and reaching across the pond to the ears of Diplo’s Mad Decent.In the Summer of 2014 “HITTA” broke hard on YouTube. His first smash racked up fans globally at phenomenal speed, setting up 2015 as his breakthrough year.HUCCI’s 2015 US and Australian tours drew capacity crowds at every venue. A nineteen year old from Brighton set to make waves and bring the next generation of talent with him.HUCCI stands at the frontier of its latestcycle of demolition.


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Mako – Veteran DJ meets Juilliard graduate. In an era where unexpected ingredients thrive, Mako offers a truly unique experience created by Logan Light and Alex Seaver. Alex attended The Juilliard School on full scholarship as musician. Having played with some of the world’s elite classical artists in the most storied of venues, Seaver was destined for an unusual path. While Seaver was performing for thousands at Carnegie Hall, Logan was quietly mastering the art of DJing in a makeshift room to an audience of none; though within only several years, Light had opened for some of dance music’s biggest international acts, including Tiesto and Avicii. No stranger to the festival scene, Light has also marked off major appearances, including Chicago’s Lollapalooza.


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Don't get the name wrong, OSHI is not the previously active French DJ, OSHI. He is a 17 year old boy genius from Britain, Boiler Room's youngest ever show guest, known as the “Beat Prodigy" of the new generation. His Soundcloud page has more than 140000 fans, with a very diverse music style. He give priority to Bass music, but his trap is also very good. This year's tour schedule is very full, and this is the first time he came to China.

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When it comes to Electric Zoo, you have to mention Codeko, he is 2016 Electric Zoo’s theme music producer. Nearly all of the Electric Zoo music festival, has been a crusader, with the support of Armin Van Buuren, Ferry Corsten, Hardwell, and W&W.

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Winner of the 2008 China DMC Championship, DJ Cavia found music in his teenage years as a way to connect with the vast world outside his tiny sphere. At 20 years old, DJ Shadow's legendary "In Tune On Time" changed his life. Right then and there, Cavia dropped out of school, bought two turntables, and hasn't looked back. Within just two years he won the China DMC DJ championship and went to the DMC World Championship in London. Since then he has retired from the DJ batlle scene to focus more on producing. But DJ Cavia still lives for a challenge. 



Part of the music & creative collective, Yeti in the basement, Fader One has promoted and shared the stage with international taste makers like, French kiwi Juice, Keith Ape, Slow Magic, DJ Krush, Lex Luger, DJ Sliink, Kidfresh, Grandtheft, Two Fresh, to emerging artists such as Ryan Hemsworth, Jarreau Vandal, Troyboi, Kingmck, Venus-X and more.


There is so much information about the artists, and although this time other festivals may have a stronger line-up, the festival does feature some very good Live DJs, and if you are able to enjoy the music, we believe you will be able to have fun! Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai will also have many recreational activities you can look forward to, PYRO will have more information to share with you soon, so stay tuned!

Event Info.

Event: Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai
Date: Nov.12
Venue:  Expo Park
Price: Pre-sale 399  
Animal Edition 499

Click "Read More" to get your tickets.





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