一年一度的先锋杯DJ大赛全国总决赛将在10月15日展开激烈角逐了,PYRO音乐也将会参与到这场全国性的比赛中,我们除了将会在现场给予大赛支持和协助以外,同时PYRO Live Stream 也会对大赛全程进行直播!大家请关注下方的直播信息,在10月15日的13:00,直播将会准时开始!
今年的先锋DJ大赛总决赛将在上海举行 ,在历时3个月,经过4赛区的报名海选和复赛中,共有24名选手争夺最后的全国总决赛混音组和磨盘组的冠亚季军,并且2位冠军将在比赛举办场馆 Linx Club 晚上的After Party中进行表演,大家是不是很期待呢,那我们就赛场见咯!
Pioneer Yearly DJ Competition will take place on the 15th of October. PYRO Music will live stream the whole competition besides giving support and help. Please pay attention to the information below. The competition will start at 1pm. Stay tuned!
Pioneer DJ is famous for promoting DJ and electronic music culture worldwide. They have helped to develop the culture in China for a long time, and offer a perfect stage for Chinese local talents to show and improve themselves.
This year, the final competition will be hosted in Shanghai. After a 3 month selection period covering 4 regions in China, 24 finalists will compete for the grand prizes from each category, Mixing Group and Vinyl Group. The 2 winners will perform at LINX after party!