2016年又拿到Resident Advisor第一位的DJ — Dixon在上海首秀,每一次的他都会给大家带来完全与以往不同的现场,就像Resident Advisor的编辑所说,身处于他的现场,无论你喜欢与否,他那充满戏剧性的声音都一直是昭然若揭的!在他每一次的演出中,你都能体会到就像是处于一次神奇的宇宙穿梭之旅,能够尽情释放你的内心的渴望与头脑中那不着边际的幻想。
This is extremely powerful NO.1 DJ, every time will bring completely different set to us, just like a Resident Advisor editor said, his live, whether you like it, but he is very obvious that dramatic voice!
And the cooperation with famous DJ Ame are also often bring a surprise to people.