Ultra Music 推出加长版PPAP?PIKOTARA有可能出演3月UMF???
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

Ultra Music 推出加长版PPAP?PIKOTARA有可能出演3月UMF???

Ultra Music 推出加长版PPAP?PIKOTARA有可能出演3月UMF???-PYRO音乐

(scroll down for English)

近日Ultra Music 厂牌发布了PPAP(Long Version),网络红曲PPAP居然在正规的电子舞曲厂牌下发行,简直不敢相信!PIKOTARO的这首PPAP(Pen Pineapple Apple Pen)入选了Billboard Top 100,被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为世界最短曲。

Ultra Music 推出加长版PPAP?PIKOTARA有可能出演3月UMF???-PYRO音乐

当W&W在AMF播放了这首的Remix版本,本来只是网络红曲的PPAP瞬间在EDM的世界中流行开来。这次长版本的被Ultra Music 公布,在北美地区进行发行。目前该长版单曲只有北美地区可以购买,亚洲地区只能视频游览。 

PIKOTARO 又一次引起了话题,目前其本人也在日本地区相当受欢迎,日本媒体近期纷纷猜测,PIKOTARO可能会站在世界的舞台上,而日本EDM的媒体更是有大胆预测,Ultra Music 和 Ultra Music Festival 虽然是不同的公司但是有着良好的合作,PIKOTARO 很有可能会出演明年3月的UMF,这看起来有点好笑,就让我们期待一下吧?!

An exceedingly strange music video for an original track called “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen” went viral several weeks back. After some investigation, people around the web discovered that the creator was actually a comedian named Daimaou Kosaka, but that did nothing to slow the epic roll of the “PPAP” meme. The original track even went as far as to become the shortest single to ever hit the Billboard Top 100. PIKOTARO is a bonafide star.

Ultra Music 推出加长版PPAP?PIKOTARA有可能出演3月UMF???-PYRO音乐

Ultra Music found this to be an excellent business opportunity to take advantage of, and not only signed the original track, but remixed it into a “long version.” The result amounts to an uncomfortable rendition of a played-out future bass sound. Ultra’s move here is a confusing one. With the track likely past its viral height, Ultra missed the massive cash grab to be had, and the track already has different label distribution in Japan, where the song took its highest flight.



Ultra Music 推出加长版PPAP?PIKOTARA有可能出演3月UMF???-PYRO音乐

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