[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K

[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐
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这周的PYRO音乐“每周PYRO音乐的对话间” 邀请到的是 Lina K。她是一名DJ;上海地下Club Reel to Reell 的Club 经理;活动品牌 ’Techno Train’ 的主理人。

[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐

A:我出生于摩尔多瓦的基希讷乌,在我的成长的过程中一直都是一位疯狂的Raver,但是以前并没有接触过和地下有关的音乐或者Club,很长一段时间我听的都是Trance,直到我来到中国上海,在这里在工作上遇到一些朋友,他们把我领入了Techno的世界,这里大多数的Techno DJ们都深深影响到了我。

我在中国有5年的时间了,对于那些主流的EDM Club 没有什么想要多说的。我承认在这里也能够看到地下音乐的进步,这正是我们所期望的。不过我更希望中国人可以更多的加入到制作和推广Techno上面,毕竟这是在中国,不能总是把关注度放在外国人身上。

Q:什么是 Techno Train, Techno Train 的宗旨是什么?
Techno Train 是一个用来全方面支持 Techno DJ 们的活动,并不是做跨国艺人预订的生意。我相信我们已经搜集到诸多好的DJ和制作人,这里面有中国人也有外国人,我们将会给到他们更多的机会。

Q:是什么契机让你去做 Techno Train的?
[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐

Q:Techno Train 初期如何得到本土的支持的?


Q:之前在10月29日你们做了一个大型的万圣节派对,能说一些关于这场 Bunker 派对的细节吗?
Bunker Party 是由三方共同完成的, Changhai Wax Council、Techno Train 以及 French Bangers。我非常幸运只负责了一些场地管理和组织联系的工作,所以我非常感谢 French Bangers 的 Niko、 Changhai Wax 的 JC 以及  Mate Mate 和 Estrella Galicia。

Q:你是否觉得 Bunker 派对是填补了上海此类型派对的空白?
不确定,要知道万圣节的上海Club有许许多多的派对和活动。但是大型并且有趣的派对我认为在豪宅的那场很不错。当然类似于 Bunker 这种派对是非常酷和没有太多竞争的,今年虽然我们和INTRO音乐节是同一天,不过成为了很好的After Party。

对于我来说,好的派对首先需要好的DJ Line Up,不仅仅是谁放音乐,需要考虑如何安排时间和顺序。其次是音响系统,才华横溢的DJ没有好的音响支持,显然是不行的。第三点就是场地布局,黑暗是我的风格,就如同成都的Club Tag 和 重庆的 Club Echo Bay。
[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐


对我来说很难说有一场凄惨的派对,不过不得不承认在一次 Techno Trains 活动上,整个晚上只有3个人在现场!不过其中一位在之后成为了我的男朋友,所以我没什么可以抱怨的!

Q:作为DJ Lina K 或者 Techno Trains 下一步的计划是什么?在年底前有没有什么达成的计划?
Techno Trains 的下一步就是最重建立我身边的团队,很多事情我也没办法依靠自我完成。幸运的是,我一直都在朋友的帮助下走到现在。(在此感谢 Industrial Magi 一直以来给予的视觉效果支持。)

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[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐

PYRO SHOWcase of the week

PYRO will feature one venue or event organiser located in China to share with our followers. There are thousands of clubs throughout China with a steady growth of events and festivals inside and outside venues and the typical environment. This new feature will bring to light all their unique approaches to the nightlife scene.

This week of PYROs “SHOWcase of the week” will be focusing on Lina K: a DJ, club manager for Reel to Reel and event organizer under Techno Train located here in Shanghai. Lets check out how she operates her functions and events.
[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐

Q:Hey Lina! Its great to have you featured this week, can you tell us a little about your background and where you’re from for those that may not know you?

I was born in Chisinau, Moldova. I was a crazy raver back when I was growing up as a teenager, but not yet in the underground scene since it didn’t really exist there. I primarily listened to Trance if you can believe that. Once I graduated with my fashion degree I got a work contract out here in China and thats when I really got introduced to Techno through my friends here in Shanghai. Most of them happened to be techno DJs and they heavily influenced me. The rest is history.

Q:How long have you been in China and what are your thoughts on the scene here?
I’ve been in China 5 years. What can I say about the scene here without talking about mainstream EDM clubs again; I will admit that I can see the underground music and techno scene steadily growing and hope it continues to grow at this rate. And more importantly I hope the chinese people are the ones making the crowd grow by being more into techno music. We are in China after all and can’t be focused on foreigners here!

Q:What is Techno Train and what is its purpose?Techno Train is a party concept to support techno DJs based here , its not about international bookings. I believe there is already a huge database of great DJs and producers, both Chinese and foreign, that will grant more opportunities for them.

Q:When did you first get into electronic music and what motivated you to take the next step with organising Techno Train events?
Well when the idea first time Techno Train came into my mind it wasn’t a long term plan, I mean I wanted to do only one party in order to book my friends to play in one venue, and because the first one went so well I decided to do it again a second time, then a third time and so on. But its no easy task to promote it in a good way without much effort!
[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐

Q:How has the support been from the local community since Techno Train’s inception?

I am so pleased from all the music lovers support here and that attendees continue to bring more and more friends. Also, want to give a big thanks for PYRO because I remember since the first time we met you guys you were all about supporting my events in any way you could. This is the only and the best way of promoting it when the community and friends support what you’re doing so we don’t push anyone to come just because they want to come or get dragged by their friends, rather because they love Techno. 

Q:You just had a huge Halloween party on Saturday the 29th of October, can you tell us a little bit about the Bunker? 
The Bunker Party was a collaboration between 3 crews: Changhai Wax Council, Techno Train and French Bangers. To be honest, the guys did a lot to make that party happen, I just was a lucky one who managed the venue and was contacted to help organise something. So I wanna give a big thanks to Niko of French Bangers, JC from Changhai Wax, along with Mate Mate and Estrella Galicia.

Q:Did you feel there was a void for Halloween parties here in Shanghai before The Bunker?
Yes and no, there were plenty of a halloween club events, but as far as BIG parties there was really only Mansion, which is super fun and great. However, yeah this was kinda cool that there wasn’t much competition, like this year Intro Shanghai was on the same day, but our event became an after party. 

Q:Which qualities would you say a good party have?For me, a good party is prioritized as DJ line up first, further its not only about who is playing, but its also how the set times are arranged. Second is of course the sound system, what good is a talented DJ if he doesn't have a sound system that can support his frequencies? Then third is and venue and layout, darkest is the best in my opinion, like Tag in Chengdu, or Echo Bay of Chongqing.

[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐

Q:Can you share an experience of a horrible party experience that you’ve been to or DJed at any point in your life is borderline funny?
Well for me horrible party is when its totally empty and as sad as it is to say, I have to admit one of my Techno Trains events had like 3 people over the course of the whole night! But one of those 3 people ended up becoming my future boyfriend so I cant complain at all!

Q:Whats next for Techno Train or DJ Lina K? Any goals you would like to accomplish by the end of the year?
Next step for techno train is to finally to build up and surround myself with a team because its becoming difficult for me to do everything alone. Fortunately, I’ve always had a bit of help from my friends (shout out to Industrial Magic for the great trailers and everything they’ve done for me with visuals).

Thank you for your time! 



[PYRO音乐的对话间]她是上海地下知名派对Techno Train 的主理人 —Lina K-PYRO音乐

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