有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?

有些人可能没意识到,一个恶性肿瘤在EDM业界隐隐生长,它们无法用肉眼看到,没有内线的普通粉丝也不可能发现。虽然没有那么容易看见,不意味着它不存在。有些并没有天赋的“DJ”们会利用这些秘密手段来让他们走向成功。毫无疑问,我说的就是Ghost Producers(鬼魂制作人)。

For those that may not be aware, there’s a phantom tumor that’s been growing inside the EDM industry, they can’t be seen by the naked eye and are virtually impossible to discover to nearly every average fan without the inside scoop. However, although it may not be easy to see, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Some “DJs” who possess little to no talent utilize these secret entities as a path to stardom. I am talking of course, about Ghost Producers.

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐
Tech—Savvy,声音工程,电子音乐滋生了大批有天赋的路人没有对成名成星有丝毫渴望。他们宁愿选择一个自由度大的经济实用的的生活。看看Martaan Vorwerk,已经做了超过100首歌曲我们可以称之为我们“最爱”的歌曲。他现在住在一个叫Ibiza的小岛上,很享受现在这样的生活。Martaan可以在Ushuaia霍或者Amnesia玩一个晚上然后睡到第二天下午三点,当然他要是想的话,也可以一天屁事都不做啦。他要做的事就是偶尔在他那个像游乐场一样的工作室里摆弄一下拍子就好。听起来很爽不是吗?

Tech-Savvy, sound engineering, electronic music producing balls of talent that desire neither fame nor stardom, exist in the opposite spheres of the scene. They rather they prefer a financially comfortable life where they work at their own pace. Look at Martaan Vorwerk who’s ghost produced over a 100 songs for DJs that fans like you and I may call our “favorites.” He happens to enjoy a majestic life living beachside on a small island called Ibiza. Martaan can party all hours of night at Ushuaia or Amnesia and sleep in until 3pm the following day, or if he so chooses, do jack shit all day. All he has to do is occasionally make a beat or two in his state of the art studio aka playground. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐

或许你更愿意选择上流生活,做一个闪亮亮的,满世界巡演的大明星?合理的方式是建立一个音乐平台,然后创作你自己的歌,学那些无聊的乐理知识,学习作曲,学习音乐工程。如果你想像其他一些EDMDJ一样走走捷径的话呢也不是不可以,给你信赖的Ghost Producer打个电话吧!

Or perhaps you’d prefer the high life, being a celebrity and touring all over the world? The proper [PYRO] way is to build a musical foundation and produce your own tracks, be original and learn that boring music theory subject, learn sound composition and engineering. However, if you’d like to take the shortcut like some of the EDM DJs are taking now days, then call up your trusty Ghost Producer to get started!

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐



*Reader Question* Comment below which you would prefer: the laid back lifestyle living anywhere you’d like in the world working at your own pace as a Ghost, or experience the celebrity routine traveling around the world to DJ at all the clubs and festivals you could handle?

业界有许多鬼魂存在,一些顶尖制作人时不时发布一些使用率超高的歌去争取榜单上的好名次。其中一个是来自英国的Ashley Wallbridge,他创作了数不尽的在全球大街小巷都播放过的Beatport前十bangers,但依旧没人知道他是谁。Ashely想做改变,不想让自己再像个默默无闻的鬼魂一样了,他现在想做一个知名的“CVNT”。

While there are many Ghosts in the industry, a few top producers regularly push out tracks that are used most frequently and climb to the highest spot on the charts. One of them is a UK resident named Ashley Wallbridge, he’s created countless Top 10 Beatport bangers that were played around all corners of the world, yet nobody knows who he is. Ashley wants to change that however, he doesn't want to be hidden Ghost anymore; he now wants to be a well-known  “CVNT”. 

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐

Ashley跟他的好基友,一个成功的DJ Gareth Emery组成了一个新的(cong用来嘲讽的)组合“CVNT5”。从组合的名字影射出这个现象在业界是多么根深蒂固的问题。首发歌曲名为CVNT5,请了演员暗指某些EDM界的艺人,做了一首恶搞MV。

Ashley the friendly Ghost has teamed up with his long time friend and highly successful DJ, Gareth Emery to form a new satirical super duo properly titled “CVNT5.” The name reflects the project acts as a mockery of a deep seeded issue in the industry from its inception. Their first release, self-titled CVNT5, is paired with a hysterical music video that pokes fun at the EDM industry and the few actors that comprise this subject.


Not sure about you, but I already can’t wait for the follow up sequel to that music video.

Ashley Wallbridge个人对于这个项目有什么看法呢?

Here's what Ashley Wallbridge personally had to say about the project:

Q: CVNT5这个项目讽刺了当今普遍的业界大范围的ghost producing风气,但你作为一个帮别人制作了多首热门音乐的ghost producer。你怎么看待自己这种做法呢?

A:“我们从没对ghost producing发表过任何看法,我们只是做了一个讽刺当今电音界普遍现象的MV。我们也跟大家一样觉得好笑到不行,很多MV中的内容其实都是我跟Gareth做过的,(不过对着人群尿尿那段应该是没有的)”

Q: 其他种类的音乐中都有制作人/工程师/作曲人/音乐人参与制作,是什么让ghost producing在电子音乐这块变成一个麻烦的问题?

A:“帮别人制作歌曲完全不是什么大不了的事。就像你说的,其他种类的音乐也是这样呀,百分之九十九的流行音乐都不是站在舞台前的那个艺人制作的。但这里有一个很大的不同,如果你看看专辑上的制作名单,这些人的名字全都会被提到。Ghost production的意思是你签一个保密协议”,你永远不能告诉别人这首歌里有的部分是你做的,并且不能得到认可。你不会有一个作品目录,你不会声名远扬,你就是个鬼魂。想象一下当Michael Jackson让Quincy Jones签一个保密协议,然后说所有东西都是自己原创的,当今会有谁知道Quincy是谁呢?什么都不是。但现在他是史上受到大家尊敬的制作人之一。

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐

Q: 在理想世界中还会有ghost producing吗?或者你觉得有这个必要吗?

A: 在理想世界中,不管是制作、工程还是联合制作的人都会被认同、被称赞,这可以让他们慢慢建立起自己的名声。这种屎一般的保密协议应该停止。这种现象真的太假了,你卖给你歌迷的东西都是假的。那些小屁孩觉得你是个红到爆的制作人,但你连demo都不会录。

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐

Q: CVNT5是通过怎样的机缘巧合组起来的?

A: “在某酒吧里的一段醉酒后的对话,还有其他地方可以产生这么妙的点子吗?”

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐

有毒?Ghost Producer到底是个什么鬼?-PYRO音乐


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