[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau
PYRO音乐 发布时间:2023-03-20

[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau

[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐

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这周的PYRO音乐“每周PYRO音乐的对话间” 邀请到的是 Mau Mau。他是一名制作人/DJ,是厂牌 Co:Motion 厂牌主理人之一,更是上海知名 Techno 为主的 Club Elevator 的Boss。
[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐


A:感谢PYRO音乐的采访,我来自于美国东北部的一个小镇。2005年还在大学的时期我就开始成为一名DJ,然后在2008年与搭档 Heatwolves 和 Baijiu Robot 来到上海做派对。之后帮助 TICT 做一些活动,直到与MIIIA、Laura Ingalls、Raz、Deep 19 和 Michael Cignarale 成立了 ‘Co:Motion’ 厂牌。而在6个月之前与Jung & Kelly 合伙开了 Club Elevator。


A:当我在13岁的时候,一个朋友的哥哥给了我一些他的Trance mix CDs,但是真正让我完全融入这个世界是我在上海学习期间去了Club,当我回到美国发现周围的派对都是关于Pop或Hip Hop的。所以在这里我开始发现到电子舞曲,并且认识到不同的派对和锐舞风格。

在很长的一段时间内我从不去考虑Club的任何事情,只是单纯的喜欢做一个DJ和推广者。直到过去的几年间,我去了国外的几家知名Club,度过非常疯狂的时间。纽约(Output, Good Room, Glasslands)和东京 (Air, Womb, Bonobo, Arc, Oath) ,这才让我认真得考虑到需要从场地方考虑到一些事情。同时在上海的派对场地和性质也有了些改变,我们在一些中小型的house或者techno 场地里会做一些奇怪的事,例如在周日的晚上我们会打乒乓或者播放动画等等。
[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐


A:有着许多的事情影响着我,对我来说层高比较低的中小型场地对于放音乐是非常理想的。俱乐部中有一半是落地窗意味着我们可以在这里举办下午趴或者派对到早上太阳出山,在 Elevator 这很浪漫。在Lune的时期与TICT我们有着许多有趣的派对,在那个地方有着美好的回忆。我们的拍档 Taipei 运营了10多年的老牌Club Logo。于是一切都是那么的自然得在一起发生了,我们非常高兴能够意识到可以合作出 Elevator 这么一个地方。

A:我们想规划出一个有趣的跳舞和聆听音乐的地方。在高音量的地方可以享受好听的声音并且不会伤害到耳朵(很庆幸我们的合作伙伴MODE Audio帮助我们完成这个工作)。严苛选择装潢材料,避免太多的音频反射和低音震动,并且有个比较大的舞池空间。在酒水菜单方面,我们一开始的想法将新鲜果汁融入到酒水单中,因为有些人并不喝酒或者只喝无酒精饮料,在地下俱乐部很少有这样的选择。

[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐

Q:Elevator 初期如何得到本土的支持的?

A:我们很幸运得到了许多的支持,在上海的地下俱乐部中也会有一些竞争。每三年左右俱乐部市场都会有一次井喷时期,在我们开业的时候就碰到这个时期。Reel to Reel、Celia、 Harley's Underground 还有 EU 等诸多俱乐部都会邀请House、Disco 和 Techno DJ,俱乐部和DJ的数量都比以前翻了一倍多。在上海的人们是喜欢新鲜并且不会长时间关注于一件事物上的,但是正因如此我们知道派对的走向应该怎么去安排。对于我来说上海本地的客人是非常棒的。在永嘉路的老 Lola 我曾经带过许多国际艺人,那真的非常不错但是95%几乎都是外籍人士。我们的俱乐部虽然和欧洲方面有着紧密的联系,但是我希望能够帮助建立一个有着本土根基的地方。

A:成功的定义在于无形之中,也许是陈词滥调,但是用氛围来定义还是最好的。有趣的音乐;好的声场;好的服务都是其中的一部分,而更重要的在这里的人们,以及如何提供给他们一个融入的环境。一个好的俱乐部可以接受任何人来到这里,并且让他们觉得自由并且放松,会让他们暂时忘却一会现实。不过 Elevator 作为一家俱乐部来说还是要考虑到生意的问题,我们要维持自己、支付租金、员工工资等等。不过不管怎样我们都会努力做出一种平衡,我们希望尽量不会妨碍到来这里的人们失去自由和放松感。

Q:elevator 下一步的计划是什么?在年底前有没有什么达成的计划?
A:继续会带来好的DJ艺人们,并且改进场地和派对体验。并且会有更多的本土中国的艺人开始在 Elevator 的晚上播放 House 和 Techno 等音乐。很快我们也将迎来自己厂牌 Co:Motion 的第一张黑胶EP发行了。然后多数情况下,还是喜欢看着许多朋友们聚集在一起,在 Elevator 的舞池里跳动。
[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐


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[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐


PYRO will feature one venue or event organiser located in China to share with our followers. There are thousands of clubs throughout China with a steady growth of events and festivals inside and outside venues and the typical environment. This new feature will bring to light all their unique approaches to the nightlife scene.
[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐

Q:Hi Sam! Its great to have you featured this week, can you tell us a little about your background and where you’re from for those that may not know you?

A:Hey Pyro! Thanks for taking the time to do the interview :) I'm from a small town in the northeast of America. Musicwise, started DJing in university there in 2005, then started doing parties with Heatwolves as Baijiu Robot after moving to Shanghai in 2008.  After that, I was helping put on events with TICT, before recently starting Co:Motion with MIIIA, Laura Ingalls, Raz, Deep 19 and Michael Cignarale, and six months ago opened Elevator together with the REHAB DJs Jung & Kelly.

Q:How long have you been in China and what are your thoughts on the scene here?
A:In total about nine years (studied abroad here in 2006, then went home to finish school before moving back).  The music scene is probably the biggest reason I've stayed so long - it's been exciting to see it grow and to help play a part in that expansion. From just a couple venues and a small group of DJs and promoters, now clubbers have a lot of options and places have developed more individual styles; it's great now to see both more producers coming out of the city and also more participation from locals.  Compared to a lot of other places, people are supportive of each other behind the scenes as well.

Q:When did you first get into electronic music and what motivated you to take the next step with investing in a club?
A:A friend's older brother gave me some of his trance mix CDs when I was 13, but in a club context it was studying in Shanghai that really got me into it.  Parties where I'm from back home all revolved around hip-hop and pop, so it was here that I started to discover dance music and the styles of partying and dancing that go along with it. 

I had been happy as a DJ and promoter and for a long time didn't think I'd ever be involved in the club side.  In the last few years, though, visiting and having an amazing time at clubs in NYC (Output, Good Room, Glasslands) and Tokyo (Air, Womb, Bonobo, Arc, Oath) made me think more seriously about playing a role on the venue side, and at the same time things in Shanghai were changing and there seemed like an opportunity for a medium-sized venue doing house and techno club nights and weird stuff (ping pong, cartoons screenings) on weeknights.. and here we are :) 

[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐

Q:What attracted you to this particular venue, formally known as Lune?

A:A lot of things.. for me, the small/medium size with low ceilings is ideal for more intimate parties and for connecting with the music being played.  The fact that one side of the club is windows means we can let daylight in for afternoon events (or to kick everyone out at 6am), and the elevator is pretty romantic.  With TICT we had thrown fun parties at Lune, so I had good memories of the space, and our partner Taipei who was running the space before I've known for ten years and worked with for a lot of events at the old Logo - everything together made it a natural choice, and we were really happy when we realized it would be possible.

Q:What vision did you have when you first began to plan out the venue?
A:Our vision started with making it a fun space to dance and listen to music - meaning good sound that won't hurt your ears at high volumes (lucky to have our partner MODE Audio helping take care of this, they've done an amazing job), using materials that don't reflect too many frequencies and don't vibrate noisily, and a big clear dancing space (we shortened the bar to create more room this way, and removed the stage from LUNE.)  We're a group of DJs as well, so we wanted the booth to be comfortable for people to perform and hang out in.  On the FnB side, from the start our idea was to incorporate fresh juices into our drinks, because we're fans of juice, but also because for people who don't drink (or just want to have something non-alcoholic) options are usually pretty limited in underground clubs.

Q:Were there any obstacles you had to overcome when opening this club?
A:No, everything was completely smooth (ha).  It was a big rush up to opening - we  mapped out a time schedule for renovation that left us ten days after the work was finished to test and tweak.  To anyone who's undertaken a big project here, that might sound naive - anyway, we ended up finishing renovation and getting some of our furniture set up about fifteen minutes after the doors opened on the first night.  Everything smelled like paint (we were told a few hours before that the floor in our entryway couldn't be installed, so we asked them to paint it black with (oops) non-smelling paint) - but the party was fun.  At the end of the night, we realized that the guy who was supposed to install a lock on our front door hadn't shown up, so I slept on the couch :)
[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐

Q:How has the support been from the local community since Elevators inception?

A:We've been lucky to have great support.  It's a competitive time for underground clubs in Shanghai - every three years or so, there is a mini explosion of clubs into the scene, and around the time of our opening it happened again: with Reel to Reel, Celia, Harley's Underground and EU the number of clubs booking house, disco and techno DJs had nearly doubled, so we knew we had our work cut out for us.  Shanghai people are fickle and don't like to stay with one thing for too long, but we're really glad at how the parties have been going - for me, the fact that a solid part of our customer base are locals has been super nice.  The old Lola on Yongjia Lu was where I used to bring international acts, and those were great experiences, they did a great job with that club but it was always kind of a bummer that the place was 95% expats.  While our club's concept and music direction might have a close connection to European clubs, we're hoping to help build a scene here in a way that has local roots.  

Q:How would you define a successful club in your eyes and what are some negative qualities you try to steer clear of with a club?
A:For me, a successful plays comes down to things you can't really put your finger on - it's a cliche thing to say, but maybe the 'vibe' still defines it best.  Interesting music, good sound, good service all contribute to it, but it's really more about the combination of people in the room and how they interact with those things that give a place character.  A successful club is a place that any kind of person can come to and feel like they're free to be themselves and express themselves naturally, and to lose themselves a little bit.  The possible negative qualities come mostly from the fact that this is a business, and also needs to sustain itself, pay rent and salaries etc.  It would be great if Elevator were the side project of a billionaire who didn't care about losing money, but for better or worse we have to make decisions thinking about how to keep the lights on - hopefully in a way that doesn't interfere with people's freedom.

Q:Whats next for Elevator? Any big goals that you’re shooting for by the end of this year?
A:To keep bringing the acts we love and making improvements (top secret :) to the space and the experience over time.  It'd be great to see some more locals/Chinese get together and start running nights for house and techno.  Looking forward to celebrating our label Co:Motion's first vinyl EP release as well.  Mostly, just to see more friends getting together and making shapes on the dancefloor.
[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐

Thank you for your time! Feel free to give a shout out with your next upcoming event!

Thank you!  Have a big one with Binh from Berlin / Club der Visionaere this Friday with Footprint, then next Friday we're really excited about the Giegling showcase that Shadowplay is organizing next week, one of our favorite labels.



[PYRO音乐的对话间]上海 Underground Club Elevator 的创建者 —Mau Mau-PYRO音乐

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