06/30尊贵『会员之夜』---VIP感恩回馈盛宴无微不至 尊你所想♛ 摇曳的灯光、喧闹氛围在这里如痴如醉一场尊贵盛宴,等待您的到来---Flickering light, noisy atmosphere.It's crazy here.A noble feast, waiting for your arrival♛ 极致格调 含蓄奢华私享至尊礼遇---Extreme styleImplicative costlyEnjoy the privilege of privacy♛ 贴身服务 全程陪伴您 全新升级 感恩豪礼---Personal service will accompany you all the way to upgrade your service♛
体验不一样的娱乐特权从心开始---Experience a different entertainmentfranchise from the heart♛
超越极限寻找最高品质--- Beyond the limit to findthe highest quality♛