▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

Elevator的早餐俱乐部邀请来了当前电子音乐 techno场景中最引人注目的人物之一——泰国的 Sunju Hargun。他的制作、厂牌和DJ set在世界各地的舞池中引起了轰动,并激发了人与人之间的交流与连接。


东南亚电子音乐舞台不断涌现出丰富多彩的场景,跨越了不同的音乐地貌、艺术家和听众。Sunju 的身份是泰国曼谷人,同时拥有印度和日本血统,以此为基础,他成为了亚洲大陆音乐场景中融合各种文化的领军人物之一,确保了交流和合作成为该场景的重要方面,灵感和能量经常在不同城市和团队之间传递。

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

除了热衷于 DJ 和将自己多元的音乐品味带到舞池之外,他的心血之作 Karma Klique 和 Siamese Twins Records 也在泛亚洲电子音乐场景中找到了日益壮大的根基,在整个地区甚至更广范围内促进人与音乐之间的连接。Elevator已准备好与他一起共舞,这是自2016年以来的首次合作

他与朋友共同经营的厂牌——Siamese Twins Records,正在吸引着全球越来越多的观众。他们涌向这个厂牌寻找、欣赏各种跨领域的作品,其中不乏他自己的作品,如包括他与 Jerom Doudet 共同经营的制作团队 Mogambo 所制作的以东方为灵感的的酸性音乐,以及他以 Khun Fluff 的别名所制作的深邃冥想氛围音乐,这些作品探索了古老世界的吟唱和仪式打击乐。

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

当晚,来自上海的一群有趣且具有丰富想法的 selectors 将为这场表演提供支持——外太空音乐大师 Rainsoft 将她灵巧的制作技巧融入到她的DJ表演中;来自北京 Wigwam 的 Q 则将为暖场带来极具漂浮感的温暖体验,而 Breakfast 驻场 DJ Mau Mau 将为演出画上一个圆满的句号。由 Moving Picture 提供的美妙的视觉效果将贯穿整晚。

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

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“Bending time and stretching space"

Breakfast at Elevator invites back one of the most intriguing figures in the current techno scene - Thailand's Sunju Hargun has been making waves and inspiring connection on dancefloors around the world with his productions, label and DJ sets,

Sunju has honed a signature sound of minimal techno, tribal rhythms and deep downtempo while holding residencies across Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam. Inspired by the traditional music of these countries, his DJ sets and productions are lush tonal sound baths, with plenty of nature references. Shimmering ambient evokes misty mountain tops while puffs of Goa trance conjure up beach sunrises. He's transported crowds at clubs like Panorama Bar and De School and festivals like Horst and Equation, and Elevator is ready to dance with him for the first time since 2016.

His label project, Siamese Twins Records, is also rooted in pan-Asian connections. A platform to explore old-world chants and ceremonial percussion turned into both ambient jams and driving dancefloor burners, the label hosts much of Hargun's own work, including Bollywood-inspired acid made as Mogambo, a production outfit he runs with Jerom Doudet. 

Support comes from a deep and dreaming cohort of Shanghai selectors - outer space maven Rainsoft brings her deft production touch into her sets; Q from Beijing's Wigwam crew brings a floating warmth to the warmup. Breakfast resident Mau Mau brings things to a Jianbing close. Tasty visuals all night from Moving Picture.

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

Sunju Hargun

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

点击图片深度了解 Sunju Hargun*


“极简主义大师。”——Mixmag Asia

来自曼谷的 Sunju Hargun 将用他混合着多重根源的身心感知为我们呈现最丰富的亚洲之声。

Sunju 出生于泰国曼谷,祖籍在印度和日本,这使 Sunju 先天上就融合了亚洲大陆的多种文化,并令他成为该地区的先锋之一——确保某种“异花授粉”和合作成为这一场景的重要方面,灵感和能量定期在城市和工作人员之间传播。东南亚最独特的魅力就是有着融合一切的潜能,包括电子音乐的舞台。在这片土地上不断涌现出丰富多彩的场景,跨越不同的音乐地貌、艺术家和听众。

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

VJ : Moving Picture

Moving Picture是因为彭浩旻想不到以MP开头的更好的名字了。他平时做动画,做的一朵花曾入围过如ANNECY等等的国际动画电影节,于是他开始在软件里打理自己的花园,但是直到最近才发现VJ和园艺完全没有任何关系。

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|Breakfast feat. Sunju Hargun ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧


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