HTTP. ——可以拆解为Half Transgender Tomboy P“婆”。是国内目前主打女性酷儿群体的派对厂牌,但是当然,不论你的性取向在彩虹光谱的哪个位置,都欢迎你来。
HTTP. ——Shanghai based queer sapphic collective working on forward thinking club nights, workshop series, & collaborative environments.
靠近人马座西部边界的是冬至,这是太阳在一年一度的群星之旅中到达的最南点。在那里,你还会发现被太阳照亮的上弦月的光芒将照亮舞池,将我们聚集在一起度过一个难忘的夜晚。和本地大众情人HUAN HUAN 以及 HTTP 协办者 MENKI,OMEN一起,多学科艺术家 MENKI 将会带来她的返乡HTTP歌单和 OMEN 烹饪的冬日火锅暖心特辑。
HTTP 欢迎我们的特别嘉宾:I. JORDAN来到上海,纪念我们在难以忘却的酷儿巢穴电梯🪄 的最后一晚。
Near the western border of Sagittarius is the winter solstice, the southernmost point reached by the Sun in its annual journey among the stars. There too, you will find the waxing gibbous moon whose illumination from the sun will shine its light across the dance floor and bring us together for a night not to be forgotten. Along local heartthrob Huan Huan, and HTTP co-organizers Menki & Omen. Our multidisciplinary artist Menki making her homecoming HTTP DJ set and Omen cooking up (her/their) hot (pot) set. HTTP welcomes our extra special guest I. JORDAN to Shanghai, marking our last night at the unforgivable queer den elevator(电梯)🪄
来自伦敦的艺术家I. JORDAN是一股势不可挡的高能量、高情感音乐力量,自经过十年的DJ驻场和推广DIY派对之后决定在2019年发行自己的原创音乐。在过去的四年里,这位出生在唐卡斯特的艺术家不断创新,制作精良的作品,再加上ta在世界各地的 DJ 表演,使ta牢牢站在了dance music的最前沿。
London-based artist I. JORDAN is an unstoppable force of high-energy, high-emotion music, who since deciding to release their own original music in 2019 after a decade of holding down DJ residencies and promoting DIY parties has taken the world by storm. Over the past four years the Doncaster born artist's ever-evolving and expertly produced releases paired with formidable DJ sets around the world has placed them firmly at the forefront of dance music.