今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

“Bleep" techno音乐是80年代末/90年代初,英国谢菲尔德WARP唱片的独特音乐风格,在最初的RAVE潮流中崭露头角。

与主流音乐相比,它的音乐更加追求抽象和低音重,逐渐演变为90年代中期的IDM智能舞曲(Aphex Twin、Autechre、Boards of Canada)的音乐风格。这种音乐趣意盎然,大胆而开阔。

一些重要的代表性乐队包括LFO、Nightmares on Wax、Guy Called Gerald、Altern8、Unique3、KLF、Orbital等。




"Bleep" techno was a sound that centered on Sheffield, UK's WARP records in the late 80s / early 90s, during the original rave explosion. 

Its sound was more abstract and bass-heavy compared to the mainstream, and evolved into the IDM sound of the mid 90s (Aphex Twin, Autecre, Boards of Canada).  This music is fun, big and bold.

Seminal acts include LFO, Nightmares on Wax, Guy Called Gerald, Altern8, Unique3, KLF, Orbital, etc.

We're all back from summer holidays, and we're going to dig deep into the bleep!   

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

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8月25日 @ Dada Beijing

A night of 

Bleep! Techno


Ludo V (那不勒斯)

Juhstynn (英国)

Yauma (西班牙)

Ozone (旧金山)


Bleep Techno





Before 11pm/11点前 60 rmb

After 11pm/11点后 90 rmb

Ludo V (那不勒斯)

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Ludo V 出生于那不勒斯,在那里他深受当地充满活力的场景的影响,在1995年受到当时日益壮大的丛林和鼓贝斯运动的影响后,他开始做DJ。

2020年他初搬到中国后,从北京夜总会的早期阶段他就成为了其中的一员。近20年来,他以其多样化的音乐品味和不断增长的唱片收藏而闻名的Ludo V Dj布景已成为高雅品味、折衷主义和GROOVE的代名词,


Born and bred in Naples where he was heavily influenced by the local vibrant scene, Ludo V started Djing in 1995 after being influenced by the then growing Jungle and Drum&bass movement. After moving to China in the early ‘00s he has been a part of Beijing nightclub scene from its very early steps. Renowned for his omnivorous musical tastes and his ever-growing record collection, Ludo V Dj sets have become synonym with refined taste, eclecticism and GROOVE, they have been host in all the major spots of the capital for almost two decades now.

Juhstynn (英国)

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Juhstynn也就是Justin Culkin,是国内酒吧圈的常客。生长于英国的Juhstynn曾在曼彻斯特Sankeys和伦敦Pacha, The Egg, Public Life等著名夜店表演过。

他也曾在2009年毕业于新白金汉大学音乐管理和录音制作专业本科时被授予森海塞尔最佳音乐录制奖。同年他还在被视作英国主要音乐节的Global Gathering工作,在2008年iDJ杂志举办的素人比赛中被Nic Fanciulli将其音乐称为“极佳”和“完美的热场音乐”。

笃信灵活性和开放视野的 Juhstynn 作为DJ拒绝屈从于单一的音乐风格。电音风格驱动加上对老歌新混的爱,他意在迎合氛围和最棒的舞池。

在中国期间他也与Bézier, DJ Okapi, Eric Duncan, Franz Scala, Holy Ghost!, Intergalactic Gary, Justin Vandervolgen, Mehmet Aslan, Mickey Moonlight, Moullinex, Mr. C, Nancy Whang, Solaris 等知名 DJ 同台演出。


Resident of Beijing since 2010, Juhstynn aka Justin Culkin is a regular on the China club circuit. Born and raised in the UK, Juhstynn has performed at renowned nightspots such as Manchester’s Sankeys and London’s Pacha, The Egg, and Public Life. He was awarded the Sennheiser prize for Best Music Production Recording when he graduated with a B.A. in Music Management and Studio Production at Bucks New University back in 2009. That same year he also worked at Global Gathering - regarded as one of the UK’s major dance music festivals - and in 2008 he placed runner-up in iDJ Magazine’s Raw Talent Competition, where Nic Fanciulli labelled his DJ mix as “amazing” and “the perfect warm up”.

Eclectically driven and a love for blending old records with new, he’s been booked to play alongside Bézier, DJ Okapi, Eric Duncan, Franz Scala, Holy Ghost!, Intergalactic Gary, Justin Vandervolgen, Mehmet Aslan, Mickey Moonlight, Moullinex, Mr. C, Nancy Whang, and Solaris during his time in China. More recently, he is responsible for co-organizing the 算盘 (suànpán) and ORGANIC parties in Beijing and Shanghai inviting the likes of Adesse Versions, Bake, Big Miz, Chris Cruse, Denis Sulta, Fort Romeau, Gunnar Haslam, Jun Kamoda, Liad Krispin, Luv*Jam, Optimo, San Soda, and Sunsiaré.

Yauma (西班牙)

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Yauma是一个音乐狂,几年前在他所在的国家开始了他的音乐之旅。他很快扬帆前往香港,在那里进一步发展了自己的音乐风格,被邀请与业内最知名的音乐人之一大咖Pinch和一些香港知名DJ及Kongkrete Bass团队一起表演。



Yauma, a music freak, started his music journey a few years ago in his home country. He soon set sail for Hong Kong where he further developed his musical style, getting booked to play alongside the likes of Pinch, one of the biggest names in the game, and a variety of other significant DJs with the Heavy HK and Kongkrete Bass crew.

After his first three years abroad Yauma set up shop in Beijing in 2011 where he got hooked on a variety new genres. He has a true eclectic taste and real passion for exploring different styles of music. This gives him a unique edge and versatile sound, which he showcases in the hottest clubs throughout Beijing and beyond.

Ozone (旧金山)

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

DJ Ozone来自美国旧金山,专注于发掘各种80年代的原版黑胶唱片—经典的80年代 synth-pop, Italo disco,post-punk,old school hip hop 和 electro。


不严肃,不做作,不故弄玄虚,充满人情味—他返璞归真的音乐哲学无疑让听众耳目一新。加州本土音乐电台DJ出身的Ozone 从2003年起便开始混迹并活跃于中国地下音乐圈—他是上海著名音乐厂牌Antidote(解毒剂)的创始人之一,曾与上百位来自世界各地的DJ、乐队和音乐人们在亚洲各地巡演。

2005—2007年,他效力于上海传奇夜店唐会和 4—Live。而后于2009年和2012年在北京上海先后创办了Dada酒吧,它们在各自城市都多次被评为“最佳酒吧”—而2020年又将 Dada创办到了昆明。DJ Ozone还于2019年在中国20个城市以及蒙古国和哈萨克斯坦进行了个人巡演活动。

DJ Ozone迄今为止最骄傲的时刻,是在小学五年级的时候赢得了纸飞机比赛。他精心制作的纸飞机飞得比六年级的纸飞机还远。


DJ Ozone (San Francisco) plays all original, vinyl records, from the 1980s. It's fun, silly, carefree party music -- 80s synth-pop, Italo disco, boogie funk, post-punk, old school hip-hop and electro, funk and soul, and lots of cheese cheese cheese. Ozone’s approach is to let the songs play -- not making elaborate mixes or using too many effects. In a time of trendy computer DJs with automatic edits and beat-matching software, it's refreshing to hear a human touch -- just great songs, nothing serious, played raw and fresh as ever.

Starting as a radio DJ in California, Ozone has been involved with the China music scene since 2003, co-founding The Antidote nights in Shanghai, then touring around China and Asia with hundreds of DJs, bands, and recording artists from China and from around the world. He managed the bookings at Shanghai's legendary Tang Hui and 4-Live clubs (2005-2007) before opening clubs Dada Shanghai in 2009 and Dada Beijing in 2012 -- both have been awarded "best club"  in their cities many times -- and Dada Kunming in 2020. In 2019, DJ Ozone did a tour playing 20 cities around China, plus Mongolia and Kazakhstan.

DJ Ozone's proudest moment so far, was winning a paper airplane contest in the 5th grade, elementary school. His well-crafted paper airplane flew farther than even the 6th grades planes.

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar





无低消 无VIP 无预定 



(周一闭店 *Closed Monday)


2100-LATE / DJ from 2245


WeChat: dadabarbeijing

Redbook: dada

IG: dadabarbeijing


B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

(or 17 North Ritan Road)

今晚8月25日 - Bleep Techno ! 四位来自不同国家的DJ带你喊出尖叫音!@ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


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