重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!
福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间 发布时间:2023-10-13 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

DJ HANNA——正能量、愉悦和复杂风格的体现。她的艺术、魅力、品味和出色的演奏技巧——这是她在表演中创造的统一和积极气氛的秘诀。

DJ HANNA- is the embodiment of positive energy, cheerfulness and sophisticated style. Her artistry, charm, good taste coupled with excellent technique of playing - that's the secret of unifying and positive atmosphere that she creates during her performances.

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

DJ Hanna在乌克兰场景中扎根,在镇上推广俱乐部夜景,最终通过混合和创作她自己的音乐来改变她与流派的联系。由于她的模特外表和出色的表演反馈,她很快建立了自己的名声,现在被称为“最好的,总是在乌克兰的女性DJ之一”。如今,她作为国际女性的崛起而脱颖而出!

DJ Hanna grounded in the Ukrainian scene, promoting club nights around town, and eventually transformed her connection to the genre by mixing and creating music of her own. Thanks to her model look and excellent performance feedbacks, she quickly built her fame and is now known as one of the best and always in demand female DJ in Ukraine. Nowadays she stands out as a rising value of female international DJing!

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

在2017 DJ HANNA获得了一个高的位置在Top100DJANES国际排名根据2017的结果,她得到了位置87和2016在她的位置第90,由DjaMeMaG.com。

In 2017 DJ HANNA got a high position in the Top100DJanes international ranking according to the results of 2017 she got position #87 and in 2016 she had position #90 by Djanemag.com.

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间


Hanna performs all over the world and visited already more then 30 countries, constantly has big European and Asian tours. Nothing can stop DJ Hanna, and certainly not her national borders.

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间


Music drying

| 女子百大 · Hanna |

重磅音浪来袭!07.16-17世界女子百大DJ Hanna 空降奥利亚!-福清奥利亚酒吧/OMNIA超级派对空间


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