10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

Unjin 的声誉始于 90 年代中期,涌现于彼时首尔初露锋芒的地下文化场景,作为这座城市最早出现的独立音乐人之一,他还有另一个身份,致力于富有想象力的环境音乐项目 Rainjacket。当 Unjin 2010 年在迈阿密 WMC 首次以 DJ 身份在国际舞台亮相后,他迅速成为亚洲最受关注的音乐人之一。Unjin 是其家乡首个 techno 厂牌 “ECI Korea” 的创始人,该厂牌专注于推动全亚洲的新兴艺术家迈向更广阔的舞台,向世界展示亚洲正冉冉升起的蓬勃景观。

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

2010年,Unjin 作为 East Collective 的一员发行了首张专辑《Spiral Sequence》,他与 Ryogo Yamamori 及 DJ Sodeyama 所制作的来自 Drumcell, Mr. Jones, Jonas Kopp, Tony Rohr & Layton Giodani 作品的杰出混音一经发行便获得热烈回响,激励了一众年轻的亚洲艺术家。作为制作人,Unjin 无疑是构筑其家乡电子音乐场景的关键性人物之一。

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

Unjin 发行于 “ECI Korea” 的首张概念性专辑《Kids In Seoul》在 2000 and One, Abstract Division, Efdemin, Etapp Kyle, Troy Pierce 的支持下诞生,以其独特的叙事讲述了他对首尔夜生活及本土电子音乐的感受。2016年,Unjin 与 Ness, Dorian Gray, Miller & Keane 共同发行的《Fog Machine Remix EP》重新演绎了来自上一张专辑的大热曲目 “Fog Machine” ,用各异的声音维度营造迷幻氛围,收获了全球电子音乐爱好者的广泛支持。

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

Unjin 善于将情感注入创作之中,18年发行的《Hui Gui》在冥想般的梦幻氛围中徐徐绽放,带领听众前往意识的深海;两年后,《Northern Atmosphere》则创造了一种黑暗而空灵的音景,由不断变化的非传统音色汇聚而成,以抒发其在隔离时期的孤寂与脱离之感。

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB
10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

除了在 Virt Club 担任常驻,Unjin 还受邀前往柏林 Tresor、伦敦 Ministry of Sound、新加坡 Zouk、东京 Womb、芝加哥 Spybar、以及纽约 Sullivan Room 等各地知名俱乐部巡演。本周五,这位亚洲电子音乐场景中的核心人物将来到 POTENT,用标志性的声音带来其情绪的长河。

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB


10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

Edison Chen 来自于上海的灵魂 DJ ,受多元文化的影响,他与电子音乐邂逅于上海嚎宅组织的派对。从那时起他迷恋上了电子音乐,同时他也发现了自己最爱的电子音乐种类 minimal ,受欧洲罗马尼亚电子音乐文化冲击,他携手与他的好友创办了他们自己的厂牌 ‘Break The Wall’ ,并邀请很多知名电子音乐制作人发行他们的新歌在 ‘Break The Wall’。

Edison Chen 曾与 Arapu, Gescu, Alexis Cabrera, Mihai Pol, Nu Zau 等同台演出。“Minimalistic“ 是 Edison Chen 对生活的一种态度。极简主义是对生活的美学,他希望去改变人类的世俗观点,发展新的自我。

Edison Chen is all about Ro-minimal underground music. He knows how to get into you that’s the point. The words are not enough to describe. “It takes time to educate but eventually the dream will come true, ravers are involving more ” That’s what he said. balbalabalabalabala……. Nonsense…..There is no point in talking just listen and dance.

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

Unjin is a techno DJ/Producer from Seoul, Korea and also known as  Rainjacket - an imaginative abstract ambient project. Originally from Seoul, Korea, Unjin's reputation for pushing musical boundaries began back in the mid 90’s as one of Korea's first underground indie musicians in Seoul's relatively young underground music scene, grew through his imaginative live ambient solo project Rainjacket, and continues to develop in exciting new directions as an independent producer and DJ on the international stage.

 Unjin's international debut as a DJ came with Miami WMC 2010 as Korea’s best electronic musician. Since then Unjin is fast becoming known in Asian techno circles as one of top producers and DJs to watch. Unjin is the founder of Korea’s first techno label 'ECI Korea' , a platform to expose emerging domestic and international talents to the world stage, and also as composer and producer, Unjin has played a key role in laying the foundation for a Korean techno culture.

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

DJ 及制作人 Tofu, 原名为 Ivan Anishchenko,以其不凡的音乐选曲和演出而闻名。曾与Vakula,Nikita Zabelin,Sofia Rodina,Andrey Pushkarev,Eostra,MIIIA,Poima,Magico,Unjin,Yone-ko,Noizar,Sodeyama 等音乐人同台演出。Tofu 是“RA”项目的经营者之一,“RA”被称为是俄罗斯远东青年文化的中心,同时也是“V-Rox”和“Unsound x CTM Dislocation”等音乐节的举办场所。

2017年时,Tofu 还与一群当地视觉艺术家以及其他 DJ 们一同创办了“Disciplina”,该项目在俄罗斯远东地区的 house 及 techno 场景中发挥着关键作用。今年七月,Tofu 还与 Nina Kraviz, PTU, Shadowax, Sodeyama, Roma Zuckerman 一同参与了项目 «trip to Vladivostok» 的筹备工作。

Tofu, also known by his real name Ivan Anishchenko, is a DJ and producer noted for nontrivial way of music selecting and performing. Tofu is a co-owner of the «RA» project which is known to be a key place of youth culture in the Russian Far East and a venue of such music festivals as “V-Rox” and “Unsound x CTM Dislocation”. In 2017 Tofu along with big amount of local visual artists and DJs started «Disciplina» pjoject which is playing a key role in house and techno culture in the Russian Far East. 

Also, on 30 July he was taking a part in organization of the «trip to Vladivostok» project with Nina Kraviz, PTU, Shadowax, Sodeyama, Roma Zuckerman.Has played with such musicians and DJs as Vakula, Nikita Zabelin, Sofia Rodina, Andrey Pushkarev, Eostra, MIIIA, Poima, Magico, Unjin, Yone-ko, Noizar, Sodeyama...

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB


10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

看不见肌肉的“肌肉”李,DJ MESUCLE LEE 来自武汉。成长在一个热爱音乐的家庭,使得他很早就有机会接触到世界前沿的 hip-hop, New jack swing, Funk, Disco 等音乐文化,并逐渐爱上了这些音乐。2015年,毕业于音乐学院的他,在武汉开始了自己的DJ生涯。不久之后,这个音乐风格多变,以 Hip-Hop/Funk/Disco 为主的 DJ 开始逐渐为人所知,并开始被邀请到音乐节和各类 CLUB 进行演出。

频繁的演出和露面使得他收到了许多邀请,最终他选择加入武汉 V2CLUB。随后,MUSCLE LEE 开始活跃在上海的各类音乐场景中。之后,他成为 NINJA SHANGHAI 的一员,也在此期间积累了与国内外著名 DJ 及制作人团队等明星艺人合作的经历。MUSCLE LEE 对于不同风格音乐的理解,使得他的 DJ 演奏风格从不拘泥于某种特定的曲风和类别;大胆的音乐采样和独特的现场呈现方式,和他游刃有余的表演,总是使得台下的听众感到惊喜并为之疯狂。

"Muscle" Lee, who can't see muscles, DJ MESUCLE LEE is from Wuhan.Growing up in a family that loves music, he had an early opportunity to get in touch with the world's leading music cultures such as hiphop, New jack swing, Funk, Disco, etc., and gradually fell in love with these music.In 2015, he graduated from the Conservatory of Music and started his DJ career in Wuhan. Soon after, the music style changed, and DJs, mainly Hip-Hop/Funk/Disco, began to gradually become known. and began to be invited to perform in music festivals and various clubs.

Frequent performances and appearances made him receive many invitations. In the end, he chose to join Wuhan V2CLUB and became the Resident DJ of this unique benchmark club.With the invitation and recommendation of friends, MUSCLE LEE became active in various music scenes in Shanghai. After that, he went to NINJA SHANGHAI and became a member of this HIP HOP enthusiast's favorite club. During this period, he also accumulated experience of cooperating with famous domestic and foreign DJs and production teams and other celebrity artists.

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

来自上海,Kevin Shao 又名 Fat-K,驻扎于 POTENT 及 ENDTRO Studio 的联合创始人。最初专注于 old-school hip-hop 的即兴节拍,而长达十余年的磨练使他从懵懂的野生状态演变为更为鲜活的多元表达。Fat-K 善用节奏与氛围完成独具辨识度的叙事,亦能在追新猎奇的过程中融入旧学派的经典音色——80s pop, disco, 源自上世纪末的 hip-hop 旋律都是他的心头之好。

伴随不断拓宽的音景,颇具前瞻性的视野,Fat-K 先后与 Red Bull 3 Style 冠军 Shintaro & Eskei83、DMC 传奇人物 DJ Brace,Shortkut 及 Yuto 同台演出,如今的他正成为本土场景中不可或缺的音乐人之一。

Shanghai born DJ Fat K, aka Kevin Shao is one of Shanghai’s most sort after mix-master. With over a decade at the forefront of China’s club scene, Fat-K’s success as a versatile hip hop DJ / selector has seen him forged his own individual path as the head resident of Potent & a co-founder of ENDTRO Studio, winning the respect of industry peers, club owners & legion of fans along the way. 

His improvisational music instinct, has over the years led him to sculpt and evolve into his individual unique style, perfecting between the realms of old school hip hop, disco and classic 80’s melodies. With a constantly expanding soundscape and his forwarding thinking vision, Fat K has supported alongside Red Bull 3 Styles champions Shintaro & Eskei83, DMC legends, DJ Brace, Shortkut and Yuto, thus making him one of todays most indispensable DJ’s in Shanghai’s local DJ community.

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

16岁开始接触 hip-hop 音乐,Mr.Yellow 从2004年开始 DJ 生涯,主打的音乐风格不局限于 hip-hop, trap, funk, bass, house, techhouse 等,他将对 nightclub 的理解投入到与好友共同创立的 “Dr. Oscar” 俱乐部中,至今已在全国开拓分店十多家。在过去几年,他曾在世界多地环游,与 Far East Movement, Ummet Ozcan, Redfoo 等知名音乐人同台出演活动。

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB
10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB


10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB

10.20 周五 • Unjin - 落日长河-上海POTENT CLUB


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