8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原
上海POTENT CLUB 发布时间:2024-07-31

8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原

8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB

制作人、DJ、厂牌 Dame-Music 的创始人、柏林 Tresor 的常客,来自法国的 Bloody Mary 十多年来一直是 techno 领域最受瞩目的音乐人之一。她的制作风格深受 90 年代合成器风潮的影响,“在我十几岁的时候,rave 精神无处不在。” 在 DJ Mag 的采访中 Bloody Mary 回忆道。90年代中期的法国南部,各种野生锐舞派对占领着蒙彼利埃与附近的区域,Bloody Mary 也得以初次体验派对狂欢之景。

8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB

8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB
8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB


—— Bloody Mary

In 2010, Mary started her own imprint, Dame-Music. The label was born by her undying passion for vinyl, and the need to spread her vision of quality dance music to the world. Dame-Music shapes its identity by continuously releasing a distinct blend of techno and house music. The label's love for raw & analogue sounds is defined by working closely with friends and artists who share the same musical state of mind. To this day, label artists include: Boo Williams, Anaxander, Innerspace Halflife, Axel Boman, The Analogue Cops and many more.

Bloody Mary is an internationally renowned Producer, Live Act, DJ, Label Owner of Dame-Music, and resident of Tresor Berlin. A staple in the world-wide techno scene for more than a decade; the French artist’s name is easily recognizable to fans the world over, having produced a string of highly-acclaimed releases on well- known labels over the years, such as Ovum, Missile and U-TRAX to name a few.

Her distinct production style is heavily influenced by the raw, hardware-based sounds of the 90s, citing acid legends like Josh Wink, DJ Pierre, Freddy Fresh, Tim Taylor, Hardfloor & Thomas P. Heckmann as some of her biggest influences during her formative years. Fast forward to today, and it’s these exact producers she can be found regularly featuring alongside on the same vinyl releases.

It’s therefore no surprise that she’s often called upon to share her knowledge and expertise around the world. Whether it’s being invited by the Goethe Institute to give production workshops in Mongolia, or being hand-picked by Roland to talk about their illustrious 303 at ADE in Amsterdam, her unique approach to music making and years of experience spent honing her craft have allowed her to constantly travel the globe for over a decade.

In 2019, she was chosen to make an official remix of Phuture’s classic “Acid Track”, which went on to be widely acclaimed. In the same year, she launched her solo live act; making her debut at her home base, Tresor Berlin.

Pandemic aside, 2020 showed no signs of slowing down: her 10 minute “Against The Clock” dropped on FACT Magazine’s YouTube channel, which continues toreceive outstanding feedback to this day. She shared the cover of Future Music Magazine alongside Jeff Mills and Richie Hawtin, amongst others.

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8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB

从那时起,Bloody Mary 开始收集黑胶,并购置了她的第一套唱机,很快便在 Studio 88 获得了她首个驻场演出的机会。2005年,Bloody Mary 移居柏林开启了 DJ 生涯的全新篇章,陆续在德国厂牌 Sender Records 和 Contexterrior 发行数张 EP,2009年首张全长专辑《Black Pearl》的问世更使她备受赞誉。

2010年夏天, 源于对黑胶唱片的不懈热爱,Bloody Mary 创立唱片公司 Dame-Music 以更广阔的舞台传递她对高品质舞曲的愿景,至今已发行涵盖 Boo Williams, Anaxander, Innerspace Halflife, Axel Boman, The Analogue Cops 等杰出艺术家在内的数张佳作。

无论是受德国歌德学院邀请前往蒙古参与制作人研讨会、在阿姆斯特丹 ADE 以 Roland 特邀嘉宾的身份谈论著名的 TB-303,还是以黑胶 DJ 和硬件 live 现场在迈阿密 WMC、底特律 Movement、墨尔本及巴塞罗那的 Piknic Electronik、Off Sona、伦敦 Fabric、柏林 Tresor 及 Panorama Bar 等音乐节与俱乐部大放异彩,Bloody Mary 独特的视角及其对音乐的热忱使她在过去十余年里从未停下过环游世界的脚步。

8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB

2019年,Bloody Mary 受邀为 Phuture 的经典曲目《Acid Tracks》进行混音。“Acid 是永恒的 —— 其悠久的历史几十年来一直是我生活的一部分,更是它带来的影响成就了今天身为制作人的我。” Bloody Mary 曾在 Keyi Magazine 的采访中讲述了自己对 Acid 的情有独钟。2020年,她为 Fact 的 “Against The Clock” 系列录制的十分钟即兴创作受到热烈回响,并与 Jeff Mills 与 Richie Hawtin 等人一起登上《Future Music Magazine》的封面。

8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB


At door: 100RMB (One drink included)


当晚全时段女士关注 POTENT 小红书可免费入场

* 未成年人严禁入内,届时我们将查验身份证,谢谢配合!

Strictly No entry to Under 18s. We will check your ID, and if necessary deny you entry into the club. We kindly request that you respect this policy.


8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB

8.3 周六 • Bloody Mary - 心火燎原-上海POTENT CLUB


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