周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京
北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar 发布时间:2024-07-08

周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京

本期Eclectic Electric百变电音活动,将为大家呈现各式动物气球和玩具!

This round of Eclectic Electric is balloon themed with fun free balloon animals and toys!

周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

“Eclectic Electric”, 就是各种电子乐都有的跳舞之夜,又回到Dada啦!这活动在北京已经玩了10年了!这回由DJ Half/N/Half掌舵,带全场!给大家整个既动感又好跳的音乐混搭。保证精彩!

Eclectic Electric, the “everything electronic” dance night, is back at Dada marking its 10th year in Beijing with DJ Half/N/Half. She has been mainstays of the electronic scene in Beijing for years and will be playing sets all night for a dynamic and danceable mix of music.

Friday, July 12

7月12日, 星期五

@ Dada Beijing


Half/N/Half (洛杉矶 | LA)



Club Trash、Happy Hardcore

Gabber Gabba

Pop Bangers & Mash-ups


Before 22:30/22:30前: Free 免票

After 22:30/22:30后: 60 rmb

Half n Half

周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

DJ Half/N/Half (Yinmai O'Connor) 是一位拥有一半中国血统和一半爱尔兰血统的洛杉矶人,她于 2009 年开始在 DANCEiSM 活动中担任 DJ,随后在众多好莱坞俱乐部演出,包括 Avalon、Standard、Alexandrea 和 贝拉斯科剧院。

2012年,她移居北京,在多个俱乐部中演出过,包括Vics、Dada、Lantern、Live in Vac、Circle Club、愚公移山、Cargo和V+。 

她也曾为许多世界顶级 DJ 开场,如 Skrillex、NERVO、W&W、VINAI、Morgan Page、Felix Cartel、AC Slater、Girls Love DJs、Plastik Funk 和 Matthew Koma。

DJ Half/N/Half (Yinmai O’Connor) is a half-Chinese and half-Irish Los Angeles Native that got her start DJing DANCEiSM events in 2009 and went on to play numerous Hollywood clubs including the Avalon, Standard, Alexandrea, and the Belasco Theater. 

In 2012, she moved to Beijing where she played a diverse range of clubs including Vics, Dada, Lantern, Live in Vac, Circle Club, Yugong Yishan, Cargo, and V+. 

She has opened for many of the world’s top DJs such as Skrillex, NERVO, W&W, VINAI, Morgan Page, Felix Cartel, AC Slater, Girls Love DJs, Plastik Funk, and Matthew Koma. 

周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

她曾出演一部关于北京电子音乐场景的纪录片。此外,她还是Plus One Culture Records厂牌的签约艺人。

她不仅拥有神经科学学位,还担任《Time Out Beijing》的夜生活编辑,同时也是一位艺术家。


She was featured in a documentary about the Beijing electronic music scene. She is currently signed to Plus One Culture Records.

In addition to a holding a degree in Neuroscience and being the Time Out Beijing nightlife editor, she works as an artist with installation in everything from the Beijing MOMA to street murals. 

She also regularly does body art for fashion shows and corporate events, all over Hollywood and other horrible places.

周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


Music Share

Daniel Portman - The Reason


This is a track I will never get tired of DJing, but also never feel like listening to on headphones or alone… For years I have loved the moment it hits the second drop (because sometimes the bottle doesn’t break on the first smash) and everyone there goes nuts! I never miss the chance to blast this basic but baller banger when big speakers are at my mercy.

Ummet Ozcan - Xanadu


It’s a Mongolian techno mind fuck presented to you by a Dutch madman. I recently realized that I wrote about him 8 years ago for Time Out Beijing when he played there, but I didn’t even go to the show because he hadn’t made this oddly invigorating song yet. I’m not sure this track is supposed to be a jam or a meditative experience, but I love it.

Frauenarzt & Manny Marc - 

Das Geht Ab (Andres Levskiy Remix)


I had to learn that the songs that worked at parties in China did not necessarily go down well everywhere… for years when I DJed it in China I believed this song got so many people dancing because it was so catchy… Then I tried to DJ it in America and it was like playing Xiao Ping Guo to a fully white crowd… All the Europeans love it and I can’t wait to see people enjoy it again!

Half n Half Mixcloud: 




星期五 This Friday

Come on, It's PARTY TIME!

周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


周五7月12日 - 百变电音 Eclectic Electric with DJ Half/N/Half @ Dada北京-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


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