周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing
北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar 发布时间:2024-07-29

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar



Stelios Vassiloudis [Greece 希腊]







 Before 10:30pm: 60 rmb

After 10:30pm: 90 rmb

Stelios Vassiloudis

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

斯泰利奥斯·瓦西卢迪斯(Stelios Vassiloudis),雅典出身的电子音乐全才,自本世纪初以来就一直活跃在电音界。他深植于多元音乐土壤,孕育出了独树一帜的声音风貌——情感丰富的旋律叙事、错综复杂的声景,以及令人沉醉的和声与节奏,让舞曲不仅仅局限于舞池,而是向更广阔的情感世界延伸。

Stelios Vassiloudis is a multifaceted composer, producer and DJ hailing from Athens, Greece. Active in the electronic music since the early 2000s, he has cultivated a sound of his own - one that reflects his rich and diverse musical background, transcending the dance floor via an emotional narrative of complex soundscapes, intricate harmonies and hypnotic rhythms.

Stelios Vassiloudis feat. Alex Avdis - Heat (Breaks Mix)

Stelios Vassiloudis Performing at LockRoom Cyprus

斯泰利奥斯接受了古典音乐训练,拥有声学工程学士学位和作曲与编曲硕士学位,他作为DJ和现场表演者走遍全球——在贝鲁特的地下俱乐部演出,在迈阿密的节日中表演,在东京的深夜派对上狂欢,在果阿的海滩上弹奏,在阿根廷的大型俱乐部中摇滚。他在工作室的专业技能和备受追捧的作品奠定了他作为一个多才多艺和受欢迎的艺术家的声誉,同时在Bedrock、Poker Flat、Ovum、Constant Sound、Rejected、Mobilee、Reflections和Balance等标志性唱片公司中发展出了一张张令人瞩目的唱片。

Classically trained, with a Bachelor’s degree in acoustical engineering and a Master’s degree in composition and arrangement, Stelios carved his path in electronic music by traversing the globe as a DJ and live performer - performing at intimate underground clubs in Beirut, festivals in Miami, afterhours in Tokyo, beaches in Goa and mega clubs in Argentina. His studio prowess and coveted productions cemented his reputation as a versatile and acclaimed artist, as he developed a formidable discography on iconic labels such as Bedrock, Poker Flat, Ovum, Constant Sound, Rejected, Mobilee, Reflections and Balance, among others.

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar
周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

作为一个不怕实验的艺术家,斯泰利奥斯的作品目录呈现出了丰富的舞曲音乐风格影响。作为John Digweed的Bedrock厂牌的常客,这位雅典出生的天才现在回归他的核心舞台,带来了他迄今为止最有影响力和最大胆的工作室专辑——《Human Damage Human》。继他为该厂牌首张专辑《It What It Is》十多年后,斯泰利奥斯的最新唱片是另一次深入音乐全景的探索之旅,反映了他多元化的背景和无懈可击的技术知识。

Not one to shy away from experimentation, the talent’s impressive back catalogue features a flush tapestry of influences from across the dance music spectrum. A firm favourite for John Digweed’s Bedrock imprint, the Athens-born talent now returns to his staple home to deliver his most impactful and daring studio album to date – Human Damage Human. Landing on Digweed’s iconic underground music house over a decade on from his debut LP for the label – It What It Is – Vassiloudis’ latest record is another journey of discovery into the depths of music’s panorama, reflecting his richly diverse background and impeccable technical knowledge.

斯泰利奥斯的最新专辑存在于电子编程和古典作曲的领域之间,用不同的声音调色板建造,穿越Trip Hop、Electronica、Jazz、Downtempo和Left Field,创造了一个既勇敢又温暖熟悉的记录。尽管性质多样,但整个作品非常连贯,适合从头到尾聆听,能够决定性地在能量和兴趣中逐步构建。

Existing between the realms of electronic programming and classical composition, Stelios’ latest album is built with varying sound palettes in mind, journeying through Trip Hop, Electronica, Jazz, Downtempo and Left Field to create a record that’s both brave and yet warmly familiar. Despite its miscellaneous nature, the body of work is wholly cohesive and intended for start-to-finish listening, decisively building in energy and intrigue.

Stelios Vassiloudis - Mother


Stelios’ intense passion and drive for progression in music serves as the fuel that keeps him inspired and relevant; qualities that no doubt ensure his continued reputation as a high calibre artist.


Wu Yinbo

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

House / Mininal /Breakbeat

在芝加哥零下30度的冬天,Wu Yinbo意外开启了跳舞取暖的御寒模式. 在Frankie Knuckles,Larry Heard建立的Chicago House音乐美学启蒙下,Wu Yinbo沉迷于从Soulful House, Deep House, Minimal House 和 Breakbeat的浩瀚曲库中提纯出最使人跳舞的魔力,并时常在某个瞬间突发奇想,用一首慢节奏的Motown将舞池重新带回上世纪六十年代的底特律。

In the frigid winter of Chicago, where temperatures plummet to -30 degrees, Wu Yinbo unexpectedly learned to dance for warmth. Under the enlightenment of the Chicago House music aesthetics established by Frankie Knuckles and Larry Heard, Wu Yinbo meticulously selects tracks from an extensive collection that spans from Soulful House, Deep House, Minimal House to Breakbeat. Occasionally, in a moment of whimsy, he would play a classic Motown track to bring the dance floor back to the Detroit of the 1960s.

The Drone Pilots 

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar

The Drone Pilots - 神秘的DJ组合,只闻其声,不见其人。

他们的风格让人想起Sasha & Digweed的传奇Northern Exposure。十多年来,The Drone Pilots一直在探索大气、深邃和经典的渐进音乐。

作为制作人和DJ,The Drone Pilots的音乐就像电影配乐,是深夜派对和放松时光的最佳选择。他们在多达六台设备上混合浮动的声音和细腻的节拍,创造出一种沉浸式的电子音乐体验,从经典渐进到最新潮的声音,时间仿佛在他们的音乐中交织。

这种独特的电影渐进风格,你可以在他们每月发布的混音带中听到,比如在Insomniac Radio、DI.FM和其他全球知名电台播放。

The Drone Pilots - never seen, only heard.

With a style harking back to the lost art of mixing and evoking the spirit of Sasha & Digweed's legendary Northern Exposure, The Drone Pilots have been exploring the atmospheric, deep, and classic progressive genres for more than a decade.

Both producer and DJ, The Drone Pilots' brand of cinematic sounds offers the opening soundtrack for late night parties and downtempo after-hours.

Layering textures of floating aural atmospheres and subtle beats on up to 6 decks, this immersive electronic experience spans time, from the genre's classics to the latest progressive sounds.

Decked with a uniquely Cinematic Progressive vibe, as heard on their popular monthly mixtapes on Insomniac Radio, DI.FM and other fine stations around the world.


周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


Sun Meng, from Beijing with diversified information. She has been looking for a unique music style along her music path, and in a few years she has quickly become one of the most popular female DJs in the club. 

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


Has been insisting on the exploration of music, in the choice of music is also focused on careful selection. Her unique voice inspired by the soul of an old tune is so popular that her strange and energetic music will not leave anyone indifferent. Music style is changeable, from cold and technological Techno to enthusiastic Household music are full of energy.

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar



B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

周五8月2日 - 希腊雅典电子全才 Stelios Vassiloudi [Greece] @ Dada Beijing-北京DADA酒吧/DADA bar


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