3月19日 | 星期六
SAT | March 19
Antidote Presents
- Fake Gentle 假斯文
Artists Line up:
假斯文 Fake Gentle - Live Set
DJ Ozone - 'DJ' Set
and MORE!
@ Dada Shanghai
门票 | Door Tickets:
30 RMB (11pm 前 | Before 11pm)
60 RMB (11pm 后 | After 11pm)
“Antidote 解毒剂”成立于2005年,在上海、北京和亚洲各地举办了100多场活动。我们上一次活动是在2020年1月初,就在最初的新冠疫情封锁全国之前。
The Antidote started in 2005 and has organized 100s of events in Shanghai, Beijing, and around Asia.
Fake Gentle
⻓期以来在古典音乐、流行乐、摇滚乐和当今电子音乐的影响,使她们的灵感融合酝酿; 特有的和声方式,让假斯文不断地创作出具有东方女性色彩的独立电子音乐作品。她们的音乐里没有太多的规则和限制;更多是不断地尝试、创新与探索。
Fake Gentle is an indie electronic rock band from Chengdu, China. The band is founded by keyboardist Jing Li and guitarist Xiaoxue Wang.
The band is influenced by a variety of genres including classical, pop, rock, and electronic. Dynamic elements with the special East Asian female vocal chorus create a unique blend of acoustic.
The band believes in freedom of expression and no limitation for exploration. Their songs often talk about independence, compassion, and gender equality. The band strives to form open collaboration relationships not only with other artists but also with other different creative technologists, entrepreneurs, and social innovators.
DJ Ozone
Ozone 是 Antidote 解毒剂和 DADA 的创始人,并经常播放古怪的老套迪斯科。
Ozone is the founder of both Antidote and Dada, and plays off-beat weird-ass disco cheese.